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Session A: Design Thinking for Wellness

Location: Room 2106

How might we re-imagine workplace wellness? What innovative approaches might employers take to create a culture of health at their organization? Session attendees will be guided through an experience in design thinking to collectively generate creative ideas and strategies to breathe fresh life into workplace wellness. Come prepared for an interactive experience in creative thinking and leave with a new process you can take back to your team to generate innovative, employee-centered programs and initiatives.

Moderated by design thinking expert facilitator from Pivotal Labs

  • Erica Ellis, Senior UX Designer, Pivotal Labs
  • Chris Alvarez, Staff UX Designer, Pivotal Labs

Session B: Linking Community and Workplace Health Promotion

Location: Room 2107

Employers would benefit to extend their initiatives to address environmental and social drivers of workforce health. Some of those drivers include family engagement, remote and temporary employees, transportation, education, housing, and other community health investments. This forum will engage attendees in a discussion on the importance of moving beyond the four walls of your worksite to impact workforce and community health. 

Moderated by Marisa Kalkman, Account Executive, Health Risk Solutions, Lockton Companies

Session C: Free and Low-Cost Community Wellness Resources

Location: Room 1308

Join the following organizations in a discussion around what tools are available for free or at low cost to help improve the health of your workforce. Participants will leave this session with resources and opportunities to consult with the organizations to impact their workforce health.

  • American Heart Association
  • Pinnacol Assurance
  • Health Links

Moderated by Rob Andrew, Senior VP, Lockton Companies


  • Karen Curran, Director of Worksite Wellness at Pinnacol Assurance
  • Adela Santana, Program Evaluation Analyst at the American Heart Association
  • Lili Tenney, Deputy Director of the Center for Health, Work and Environment

Session D: Surviving to Thriving: How to inspire, connect and truly engage employees in their personal and professional well-being

Location: Large auditorium

Have you ever wondered what steps to take to improve the engagement within your organization?  How can you really tell if a person or the culture is thriving? Or perhaps, what is the true connection between well-being and engagement in a thriving culture?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this panel discussion is for you.  Learn from a 30-year veteran who is a subject matter expert working with organizations across the globe of all sizes to build thriving, healthy and well organizations.  Also, listen to the steps an actual employer is taking to transform an organization from surviving to thriving!

Moderated by Colleen Reilly, VP, Well-Being at Telligen


  • Evan Roth, Executive Coach at Roth Consultancy International
  • Tracy Shea, Worksite Wellness Strategist