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Why Partner with the AHA?

The American Heart Association is a national leader in workplace health by providing evidence-based recommendations and resources. The Workplace Health Symposium is an innovative opportunity for organizations to come together to learn how they can become champions of a culture of health. 

Expected attendance at the February 2017 Denver Workplace Health Symposium is between 250-300 HR, benefits, and wellness leaders representing close to 150 different organizations!

Sponsorship Opportunities & Benefits

Presenting Sponsor of the 2017 Denver Workplace Health Symposium

  • Opportunity to have a representative deliver welcome remarks (2-4 minutes) or other speaking opportunity as negotiated.
  • Role in planning event through company representative on AHA Corporate Health Committee
  • Logo recognition on symposium invitation, event website, social media, and other promotional materials
  • Logo recognition on slides during program
  • ½ page company ad in event program
  • One literature insert downloadable from event website and made available to conference attendees (one 8 ½ x 11” page, double-sided)
  • Four staff event registration fees waived
  • Access to event survey summary to gain valuable event feedback
  • First right of refusal for 2018 Presenting Sponsorship

Breakout Session Sponsor

  • Verbal recognition of company during podium remarks
  • Logo recognition on symposium invitation, event website, social media, and other promotional materials
  • Logo recognition on slides during program
  • ¼ page company ad in event program
  • Two staff conference registration fees waived

Keynote Speaker Sponsor

  • Verbal recognition of company during keynote speaker introduction
  • Logo recognition on symposium invitation, event website, social media, and other promotional materials
  • Two staff conference registration fees waived 

Breakfast/Lunch Sponsor

  • Signage on meal table
  • Verbal recognition of company during morning announcements
  • Logo recognition on symposium invitation, event website, social media, and other promotional materials 
  • Two staff conference registration fees waived

Thank you for your support!

For questions regarding sponsorship process, please contact Maddie Philley at Maddie.Philley@heart.org.